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Circus Scientist
Technology in Performance
The Circus Scientist Site
Magic and Circus
Easy magic to get started with
Get started with Juggling
Easy Projects
Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi 400 Overview
Docker on Raspberry Pi
Minecraft Bedrock Server on Raspberry Pi using Docker
Minecraft Bedrock Client on Raspberry Pi
Moving in virtually with Sweet Home 3d
Hot Wheels Electronic Finish Line – with Arduino and Light Sensors
DIY Home Security
Laser Beam Security
Deploying Laser Beam
Interfacing Arduino with IR Beams
Pup Chooser Game – with Arduino and Stepper Motor
Easiest Wire Buzzer Game Ever!
How to solve a Rubix Cube – the easy way
Christmas Window Light Decoration with Arduino and WS2812 LED Strip
Getting Started with Software Defined Radio
Arduino Overview
Fritzing Circuit Design
Getting Started With Fritzing
Pedestrian Crossing
Processing Overview
Processing and Makey Makey – animal cut-out touch game.
Advanced Projects
Smart Poi
Smart Poi Version 8
SmartPoi External Lithium Charger
SmartPoi 8.0 Software
Magic Poi – the future
Old ESP-01 SmartPoi
Smart Poi Overview
POV Poi Emulator
POV WiFi Streaming Emulation
POV WiFi Streaming with c
Smart Poi Android App
SmartPoi full circuit
SmartPoi Firmware
History of SmartPoi
LED WebSite Indicator
Monkey Detector
Monkey Detecting Sprinkler overview
Monkey Detector Part 1: Detect a stuffed toy and switch on an LED
Monkey Detector Part 2: object detection in Python using Pytorch
Monkey Detector Part 3: The Monkey Squirter
DigitalOcean – what is a Droplet and what can you do with one?
Python Word Cloud for an entire YouTube Channel’s transcripts
Wall Computer Project
Wall Computer Project – overview
WiFi controlled Christmas Light Window Decoration
Tracking Coronavirus using Processing for Web, Android and Desktop
Virus Spread Simulator – with processing.js
Parsing online corona virus data into a map with Processing
Curve Graph Tracking Corona Virus Cases in South Africa – using Processing
Full Android App for Tracking Covid-19 spread in South Africa using multiple Processing Sketches as a base
Think About Things