Smart Poi has re-branded as “Magic Poi”! There are a lot of changes coming – starting with an online image sharing platform and api which is accessible from the poi directly!
UPDATE: ESP32, new platform and more
Right now I am working on the new version of Magic Poi firmware, using PlatformIO and ESP32 S3 dual core processor. This version comes with a new online portal (offline support is going to work as well, ported from the SmartPoi updated local web interface).

The new boards are being developed being tested by my friends over at EnterAction – and were created using EasyEDA and JLCPCB. I have signed up for Cursor AI IDE Deepseek V3 with AIDER which is making the work go so much faster, and will soon be upgrading the Magic Poi server to accommodate new functionality like image classification on upload, and programmatic sequence generation (random is possible at the moment).
To help speed up development, come and support me on Patreon!
The Platform (testing version – old):

Visit and sign up to the image sharing platform. You can upload and share poi images, for download directly on the poi themselves*
*note that for testing purposes, all images uploaded to this platform will be publicly available via the api. I haven’t coded the api security end-points yet! There is a limit of 10 images per account. Once the testing phase is complete, with private api access implemented – and once the user interface is a bit more “user friendly” – I will be moving the magic poi portal to its own site.
The api:
This is totally a work in progress, however you can try out the test sketch by checking out the example sketch on github – done with PlatformIO. I am moving the whole project over from Arduino IDE.
The sketch is done for the D1 Mini board, but should work on any ESP8266 – just input your own WiFi credentials, plug in an APA102 LED strip (default is 72px for now) and press upload.
Here are some articles that I found helpful while switching over from Arduino IDE to PlatformIO in VSCode: and also
If you don’t have an ESP8266 board, you can still try out the api on the command line – check out the blog post for more details: Magic Poi Magic
The Future:
Once the Magic Poi platform is ready for production it will be moved to it’s new home at – currently that’s hosting an LED poi feature comparison site I made, check it out while it’s still there!
Many important changes are coming – you can keep up to date by checking out the latest blog posts or sign up to the mailing list here:
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